Sunday, May 12, 2013

Why I Decided to Create a Blog

I am going to keep this short because BB15 hasn’t started yet and frankly I don’t like writing too much. But I do love Big Brother so I am hoping my passion for the game outweighs my distaste for writing and hopefully I can keep this up throughout the season. Time will tell!

If you are reading this I would bet it is because you know me personally, considering I do not have a following of people chomping at the bit to hear my thoughts on Big Brother. Whether I gain those followers or not is not really the point. Bottom line: I love the game. I talk about it far too much. Why not write about it too? This can give us (my friends) a common place to talk about the game and hopefully we pick up some others along the way.

Lets break it down.

Who: Me. Duh. But if any of you guys want to jump in let me know! I would like to argue with you about the game.

What: I will be writing a little something after every episode. At least that’s the goal. I would say at the very minimum I will post once a week. I am not really sure about the format yet. I guess that will come naturally. I know for sure I will do a weekly send off each evicted houseguest. Oh and don’t expect correct grammar and shit. Once I graduated college I threw that out the window. I will be writing how I would speak.

When: See above.

Where: Dumb Question.

Why: I already covered this a bit, but why not? I feel like I have enough opinions on the game per week that can fill up a blog, and I really like the idea of everyone coming together to one place to discuss! So if you have any friends who watch BB, please share this with them! I’d love to discuss the game with anyone, and I am sure you guys feel the same.

BB15 starts in late June, so we have a little over a month to go!

My next post will be after they release the cast. I will dissect each person based off their bio. I will also be posting my fantasy picks as well as Cy and Jared’s.

For those of you who don’t know, my friends and I take turns picking current BB players in a draft before the show even begins. It is a fun way to watch the show with family or friends and I believe it helps you stay invested even more than usual.

p.s. Shout out to CJ for giving me the idea of creating a blog. Good luck with yours!

Until next time


1 comment:

  1. I am even more excited now for June 26th!
